Friday, January 30, 2009

Allah In The Bible

Allah is the Arabic word God and it is also one of His names. It comes from two Arabic words Al which is the definite article "The" and Ilah which means "God" or "that which you adore or worship", so Allah literally means "The Only True God worthy of worship".

Muslims prefer to call God Allah because all the prophets used this great name to refer to their Creator and also because it has no gender and it means Absolute Oneness.

Even in Aramaic, the language Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) spoke the word for God is Allah or Allaha.

We have been commanded by Allah in the Glorious Quran to say to the Jews and the Christians: ""We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you; our God and your God is One (i.e, Allah), and to Him we have submitted (as Muslims)." [29:46]

Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall (1875-1936), the famous British translator of the Glorious Quran wrote explaining why he chose to use Allah in his translation instead of God: "I have retained the word of Allah throughout because there is no corresponding word in English. The word ‘Allah’ (the stress is on the last syllable) has neither feminine nor plural, and has never been applied to anything other than the unimaginable Supreme Being.” [The Meaning of the Glorious Koran, Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall (trans.), New York, The New American Library, 1961, p.31 as quoted in The Eternal Message of Muhammad, Abd al-Rahman Azzam, Quartet Book Ltd., London, 1979, pp.35-36]

Below is the evidence that Allah appears hundreds of times in the Bible:

Arabic Bible KJV - Genesis

Indonesian Bible Old Translation KJV English - Genesis 1

Arabic Bible KJV - John

Everyday Bahasa KJV English - John 1

Arabic English Bible - John

The Gideons Bible

Malay Bible

Bahasa Malaysia Bible

What the Bible Society of Malaysia says about Allah